Thursday, October 15, 2009

Subscriber Night

October 6: Pre-Show Chat with Factory Theatre subscribers

Though the theory seems to be that people in the theatre industry enjoy nothing more than to be up in front of people, this does not apply to me. I actually experience quite a bit of anxiety when asked to speak in front of people, and avoid it when I can. So when Michelle (Manager of Donor and Audience Development with the Factory) asked me if I could come speak to the subscribers for about 10-15 minutes before they viewed the performance of True Love Lies, my reaction was mostly fear. But I was also pretty flattered, and saw this as a way to give back to the production, as well as a great opportunity to connect with the Toronto theatre-going audience.

Once I was up in front of everyone in the Factory Lounge, I was shocked at how quickly the time went by! I started by talking a bit about the job description of an "Assistant Director" (Note: If you're reading this blog, you have a pretty clear idea of what the role was for this particular production.) Everyone was lovely - they seemed genuinely interested in what I was saying and asked some really great questions which propelled us into other areas of discussion. And as it turns out, I have an awful lot of thoughts about this experience and was happy to share them with a receptive audience. After the formal q & a was complete, I was able to speak one-on-one with several individuals and continue to answer their questions, which I also really enjoyed. I was happy to have had the chance to connect with the group, and happier still that Michelle seemed pleased.

What's Next?

I wasn't able to stay to see the show that night and I am just DYING to see it again. Our stage manager Sherry sends out "Show Reports" after each performance via email and I have been reading them hungrily in an attempt to stay connected. I think the distance will prove useful though. I'm excited to watch it with a truly fresh pair of eyes, and to see how it has developed during my time away. Next week.

Will be sure to report back!

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